Case Results
The Results Speak For Themselves
Fred Sosinsky has over 30 years of experience defending countless clients in New York. From homicide charges to drug possession charges, Fred has seen it all. In those 30 years, Fred has built up one of the most impressive criminal defense portfolios in all of New York. The hundreds of success stories speak for themselves when it comes to Fred’s experience and credibility. Don’t rely on a criminal defense lawyer who just talks a big game, make sure they can back it up with positive case results and glowing testimonials from past clients.
Client cleared in insider trading investigation
Mr. Sosinsky recently represented a trader who came under investigation after a series of “suspicious” transactions were believed by authorities to have resulted from nonpublic, insider data provided to him by an associate. After a thorough review of all related trading activity, contemporaneous communications between the parties and highlighting the alternative means of acquiring the information which informed the trades at issue, the matter was closed with no charges being brought and no further action taken by the Securities & Exchange Commission.
Federal investigation ends without charges against popular entertainer
Mr. Sosinsky was retained by a well-known sports/entertainment figure who came under federal investigation in a controlled substance diversion investigation involving the sale by physicians of HGH, testosterone and other medications. Mr. Sosinsky ably kept his client free of charges while others were not so fortunate.
No criminal record for Airline Executive charged with Grand Larceny
Mr. Sosinsky represented a high-level executive with a major airline who had been indicted for stealing valuable property from another individual with whom he was embroiled in an ongoing dispute. Through presentation of a mitigation report and demonstration of the impact which continued prosecution would have on his client’s career, Mr. Sosinsky was able to resolve the matter in a way which left his client with clean record
Owner/Operator of New York City Headshops Escapes Federal Prison Sentence
The owner of a number of so-called “headshops” in the city was indicted in federal court and charged with narcotics trafficking for purportedly aiding drug dealers in acquiring the otherwise lawful materials used to manufacture and package controlled substances. After two years of litigation, Mr. Sosinsky was able to negotiate a plea to a federal paraphernalia charge and secure a non-jail sentence for his extremely pleased client.
Man Found in Manhattan Apartment with 5 Kilos Gets 2 ½ Years
Mr. Sosinsky’s client was one of three men found inside an Upper Manhattan apartment where more than 5 kilograms of heroin and packaging materials were discovered when police executed a search warrant. After a year and a half of litigation, Mr. Sosinsky was able to negotiate a sentence of but 2 ½ years for his client.
MTA Official Cleared of Federal Corruption Charges
Mr. Sosinsky represented a high-level engineer with the MTA who came under federal scrutiny for allegedly steering lucrative contracts to a company operated by his relatives and for lying about his role to investigators. After a painstaking investigation, Mr. Sosinsky’s client was not charged with criminal wrongdoing.
Successful Entrepreneur Cleared In Child Pornography Probe
Mr. Sosinsky was retained after a well-known local entrepreneur in the entertainment industry had his home and business raided by FBI agents who obtained a warrant claiming that evidence of his possession and distribution of child pornography could be found there. After conducting our own investigation, we felt confident that there would be no good proof that our client had done any such thing and that there were others with access to devices who could have engaged in the conduct alleged. A year later, the FBI advised that they would not be proceeding further.
Airline Flight Attendant Has Stalking Charges Dismissed
Mr. Sosinsky gained dismissal of all charges against a 35-year old Florida man accused of assaulting, harassing and stalking a former colleague with whom he worked as a flight attendant.
Largest Heroin Seizure on Record, Yet Sosinsky Client Gets Six Years
A press release issued by the Special Narcotics Prosecutor called it the single largest seizure of heroin ever made by the DEA New York City – more than 70 kilos of heroin and more than $2,000,000 in cash found in a single vehicle trap. Mr. Sosinsky’s client was one of five people charged with running an organization that reportedly moved hundreds of kilos of heroin on a monthly basis. After years of fighting the case and litigating a suppression hearing, Mr. Sosinsky’s client, allegedly the number two in the crew, received a sentence of six years in prison.
Attorney Accused of Involvement in Federal Immigration Fraud Keeps on Practicing
A lawyer who had been approached by FBI agents investigating the law practice where he was employed came to Fred Sosinsky for representation. Following a thorough analysis of the situation, Mr. Sosinsky was able to obtain a non-prosecution agreement for the lawyer in exchange for his cooperation with the prosecution. The lawyer was able to continue practicing – and is most grateful for Mr. Sosinsky’s work.
Woman Who Gave Fatal Silicone Injection to Client Looking to Enhance Her Buttocks Gets But 1 1/3 years in Prison
Mr. Sosinsky represented a New Jersey woman accused of manslaughter in connection with the death of one of her cosmetic injection clients who died following complications after administration of silicone to her buttocks. Mr. Sosinsky was able to convince the court to limit its sentence of his contrite client to 1 1/3 years in prison due to the accidental nature of the incident and his client’s otherwise sympathetic background.
Bronx Man Gets Probation after AR-15 Assault Rifle Recovered in His Home
A young man who had allegedly been distributing large quantities of marijuana in the Bronx had his apartment searched pursuant to warrant. Police recovered a significant amount of marijuana, cash and packaging material. They also recovered two firearms, one of them a loaded AR15 assault rifle. Over time, Mr. Sosinsky was able to tell the story of how and why the weapons were possessed by his client, ultimately convincing bosses at the Bronx DA’s Office and the judge, for good reason, to spare this young man any jail time. He received a probationary sentence and is doing well.
Synthetic Marijuana “K2” Conspiracy Wholesaler Receives Five Year Federal Sentence
In what federal authorities described as one of the largest synthetic marijuana operations ever to be taken down by them, Mr. Sosinsky represented a midwest man indicted for his role as a wholesale manufacturer and distributor of the drug. Although sentencing guidelines called for more than fifteen years in prison, Mr. Sosinsky’s client received a sentence of sixty months based on his advocacy.
Hedge Fund Manager has Domestic Violence Charges Tossed
Mr. Sosinsky represented a 42-year old hedge fund manager charged with assaulting his former girlfriend after a heated argument. Through dogged investigation, we were able to show that the complainant had a history of making false claims against this man and that she had greatly exaggerated her claims of injury. All charges against the client were dismissed.
Insurance Firm Manager has assault charges dropped
After he had been arrested for violently attacking two of his Manhattan roomates, this client retained Mr. Sosinsky. Mr. Sosinsky carefully reviewed video footage from the scene and from uniform officers both of which showed that the complainants had failed to tell the truth about what had occurred, telling a different tale initially to the police. All charges were dismissed.
Manhattan physician has assault charges dismissed
Mr. Sosinsky secured the dismissal of assault charges against a prominent Manhattan doctor charged with a violent assault against a colleague involved in a romantic tangle with his now-fiancee. A meticulous review of forensic evidence proved that the complainant had been repeatedly harassing the fiancée, violating hospital rules for such conduct and lying to coworkers about his actions. The client’s career continues upward.
Loss Prevention Manager Avoids Jail Time Following Inside Job Sting
A man who had worked for years as a manager of the loss prevention department of a high-end Manhattan retailer was arrested following a sting operation. He was charged with burglary, grand larceny and other crimes in a case involving more than $100,000 in stolen merchandise. Mr. Sosinsky was able to work out a non-jail sentence for his client and a far lesser restitution amount which his client will pay out over the course of years.
Hospital Administrator cleared of sexual assault accusations
A long-time hospital administrator was accused of a series of sexual offenses against female employees junior to him. After a thorough investigation, Mr. Sosinsky persuaded investigators that no crime had been committed and the matter was dropped.
Buffalo Man Convicted After Trial on Federal Felon-in-Possession Charges Receives Lesser Sentence Than Pretrial Offer
Mr. Sosinsky represented a Buffalo man in federal court on firearms charges. After fighting the case through trial, based upon strong sentencing advocacy, Mr. Sosinsky’s client received a sentence of less time in jail than had been offered to him pretrial.
California Couple Who Brought Firearms to NYC Have Criminal Charges Dismissed
A married couple from Southern California flew into NYC for a weekend vacation. When flying home, they went to ticketing intending to declare and “check” the firearms they had traveled here with. They were both arrested and charged with felony weapon possession. Mr. Sosinsky was able to have the felony charges reduced to a non-criminal offense leaving both with sealed records of the incident.
Manhattan Travel Executive Indicted By a Grand Jury for Leaving Scene of Accident with Serious Injury Resolves Case without Criminal Conviction
A travel executive to the stars was arrested and charged with striking two Columbia University grad students on the Upper West Side and then fleeing the scene. Both pedestrians were seriously injured, one requiring multiple surgeries and extended hospitalizations. The defense investigation, however uncovered evidence that the young ladies had been out drinking and stepped into the intersection against a red light. Other witnesses countered the prosecution claim that Mr. Sosinsky’s’ client had been speeding. The end result: The indictment was dismissed and Mr. Sosinsky’s client was offered a plea to disorderly conduct, a non-criminal violation.
Mexican National Here for Days & Caught with Five Kilos Gets 9 Month Sentence
A young Mexican national who came to New York City for the sole purpose of delivering a five-kilo shipment of heroin received only a nine month sentence when represented by Mr. Sosinsky.
A Southern entrepreneur avoids federal charges
Mr. Sosinsky represented a Georgia women who found herself in the midst of a federal investigation into the deposit into her businesses’ bank accounts of hundreds of thousands of dollars of what turned out to be stolen funds. After a careful investigation by Mr. Sosinsky, he was able to successfully demonstrate to federal prosecutors his client’s lack of knowledge that any such funds were unlawful and the matter was closed out without further ado.
Queens Man Gets 9 Months for a Loaded Firearm and Kilos of Weed
A successful contractor was arrested and charged with felony possession of a loaded firearm and Class C felony possession of marijuana based upon the seizure of these items in a search pursuant to warrant. As has been well advertised, in almost all gun cases in NYC, prosecutors will insist on state prison sentences even for those willing to plead guilty. After presentation of mitigating evidence however, Mr. Sosinsky was able to negotiate a sentence of nine months in jail for his client, meaning his client was out in six months.
No jail for South Carolina man caught with loaded gun in Midtown Manhattan hotel room
Like so many others, Mr. Sosinsky’s client, a South Carolina businessman, had brought his lawfully possessed (in So. Carolina) firearm with him when he traveled to the Big Apple with his family for a long-weekend here. When cleaning staff found the loaded gun under a pillow, the client was arrested and faced most serious firearm charges. After putting together a convincing mitigation presentation, Mr. Sosinsky persuaded prosecutors to break with their policy of state prison for such offenders and to allow his client to perform community service and pay a small fine.
Denver Businessman Who Brought Unlicensed Gun to JFK Gets to Keep His Record Clean
A Colorado businessman declared that he was traveling with a firearm when flying into NYC for a professional conference. When ticketing to fly back home, he again told airline workers that he needed to declare his firearm in his checked luggage. He was promptly arrested and charged with felony weapons crimes. Mr. Sosinsky was able to convince prosecutors to allow his client to resolve the matter with a non-criminal plea. The client has no criminal record.
No Charges against Construction Chief
When the General Manager of a major contractor providing services to the PA-NY came under state investigation for involvement in a bid-rigging scheme, he turned to Mr. Sosinsky for representation. A year later, the probe ended without his client being charged with any wrongdoing.
Tractor-Trailer Operator Who Struck and Killed a Pedestrian in Manhattan Crosswalk Avoids Jail
Mr. Sosinsky represented a truck driver for major construction firm who struck and killed a pedestrian who was crossing a downtown street along with other members of his family. The client had a problematic licensing history and there was tremendous pressure for the court to impose a jail sentence. After litigating what he viewed as the overcriminalization of automotive accidents, Mr. Sosinsky was able to secure a misdemeanor plea and a probationary sentence for his client who returned to the workforce.
Florida Man Avoids Jail in Federal Health Care Fraud Prosecution
A Florida businessman who operated a company which distributed medical durable equipment to no-fault insureds in New York was indicted and charged with health care fraud for wildly inflating the actual acquisition cost of many of the products his company supplied. After presenting extensive mitigating evidence to the sentencing court, Mr. Sosinsky’s client was spared a prison sentence and placed on probation.
Long Island Man Has Forged Check Charges Dismissed
A Long Island man presented a series of fraudulent checks to check cashing stores on the Island and was subsequently arrested. Mr. Sosinsky discovered that the individual providing the checks to his client was engaged in an internet “work as my personal assistant” scam and persuaded the Nassau Co. DA’s Office to dismiss the case.
Investment Banker in Health Insurance Fraud Investigation Cleared
Mr. Sosinsky successfully fought off claims of insurance fraud on behalf of a partner at an investment bank who was accused of having failed to disclose material information on his application. The matter was closed out without charges
Construction Firm VP Steers Clear of Charges
Mr. Sosinsky recently represented the vice-president of a well-respected Bronx contractor who was under Attorney General investigation for alleged bribes paid during renovations to a major New York City landmark. Through careful investigation, Mr. Sosinsky successfully avoided prosecution of his client.
Client Indicted in Federal Narcotics Case Gets Misdemeanor and No Jail
A young man was arrested and charged with being part of a large-scale multidefendant drug organization based in the Bronx. Indeed, significant quantities of narcotics were found in his home at the time of arrest. However, recognizing his client’s potential, Mr. Sosinsky worked to have his client admitted to a court program run by two federal judges which offers young offenders the opportunity to, potentially, reduce their charges and/or sentences. After completion of this intensive program, Mr. Sosinsky’s client had the indictment dismissed against him and pled guilty only to misdemeanor drug possession charges. Those he was arrested with were sentenced to lengthy prison terms.
No Charges for Ivy League Student in College Death Probe
Mr. Sosinsky represented an undergrad at one of the nation’s top universities who came under investigation for his alleged role in a fraternity-sponsored event following which another student disappeared and was found dead under mysterious circumstances. Police had seized his laptop computer where, they claimed, evidence of his involvement could be found. His client was later cleared of all charges.
Son of Prominent Assistant U.S. Attorney Has Weapons Charge Dismissed
A young man, the son of a longtime federal prosecutor from the West Coast, was charged with a misdemeanor weapons offense. After motion practice challenging the police search of his client, Mr. Sosinsky gained the dismissal of the charges.
Man Caught in GHB Sting Receives Six Month Sentence
A Connecticut man with an extensive out of state criminal record charged along with several codefendants in a long-term investigation with conspiring to distribute GHB was able to resolve his case, with Mr. Sosinsky’s assistance, with only a six month jail sentence — meaning he spent only four months in jail. This despite the man’s taking possession from undercover cops of two large vats which contained the controlled substance.
Probation is the Sentence for Queens Man Indicted in Major Brooklyn Gambling Prosecution
Mr. Sosinsky represented a Queens man indicted in what Brooklyn prosecutors called one of the largest takedowns of an internet-based sports gambling operation they had ever initiated. There were six defendants and more than $13,000,000 in illicit gambling profits charged. Mr. Sosinsky’s client ended up avoiding the jail sentence prosecutors pressed for, instead receiving three years of probation
Man Wins SORA Hearing, Court Denies Upward Classification
Mr. Sosinsky was able to successfully convince a Manhattan judge to deny the prosecution’s request that his client be designated a level 2 sex offender based on claims stemming from evidence presented at the client’s trial many years earlier. After presenting a strong mitigation report including one from a leading expert on risk of re-offense, Mr. Sosinsky’s client was designated a level 1 offender.
No Jailtime for former Brooklyn Basketball Star Charged with Federal Bank Fraud
A young man who had been a heralded star high school hoopster in Brooklyn was indicted as part of a large multidefendant fraudulent check cashing conspiracy. The client unfortunately had previously been involved in a similar prosecution and worse yet had been arrested during the pendency of the federal case for yet again committing a similar offense. Notwithstanding these hurdles, Mr. Sosinsky was able to convince the federal judge to spare his client a prison sentence and allow him to earn his freedom while on probation.
Client Has NY Terroristic Threat Charges Dismissed, Ends Case With No Criminal Record and No Immigration Problem
Mr. Sosinsky recently concluded his representation of a foreign national client who was arrested and charged by a joint FBI/NYPD task force for posting online terroristic threats to blow up incendiary devices during a widely attended public event scheduled to take place days later. The threats targeted an identified religious group whose presence at the event was expected and caused leadership and officials to stay away from the event. With his client potentially facing years in prison following an indictment, Mr. Sosinsky went to work with psychiatric experts and mitigation specialists, as well as computer forensic examiners to get to the bottom of what was really going on. Eventually, he was able to persuade prosecutors that his client posed no harm, had been in the midst of a psychotic break without proper medication and had properly addressed emotional issues leading to the incident. Rather than head to prison, the client escaped without a criminal record and in so doing, avoided removal proceedings.
Federal Defendant in Large Student Visa Fraud Case Avoids Jail
Mr. Sosinsky’s client, an Ivy League educated Chinese national, was charged in a 21 defendant indictment, accusing him of student visa fraud for running a successful business enrolling upwards of 100 foreign students here in the US in a New Jersey University which he knew did not exist — and was set up, in a sting operation, by the Department of Homeland Security. Facing three years in prison, Mr. Sosinsky’s sentencing advocacy convinced the judge to spare him jail time and he was placed on probation.
Mortgage Broker Avoids Federal Charges in Straw Buyer Scam Prosecution
A Long Island mortgage broker awakened one morning to a visit by 4 FBI agents who told him he was in trouble for his connection to a senior lender he worked for several years earlier who apparently had been involved, along with others including an attorney, in a mortgage fraud scheme involving straw buyers, phony appraisals and the like. After retaining Mr, Sosinsky, together they gathered information and witness interviews showing that although the client acquired knowledge of what the colleague in question had likely been doing, he removed himself from the 3 or 4 transactions in question and refused to accept compensation for his role in the deal. After several meetings, Mr, Sosinsky was able to advise his client that he was in the clear.
Connecticut Man Has Semi-Automatic Firearms Case Dismissed in Brooklyn
Mr. Sosinsky’s client was stopped by police after they watched him leave a Brooklyn nightclub and enter his vehicle. Inside the vehicle the police claimed to have found a loaded 9mm firearm beneath the passenger seat. When he retained Fred Sosinsky, the client had been offered 2 years in state prison. Mr. Sosinsky then visited the scene at the same time of night, took photos and video showing that the police version of their reasons for the stop could not have been truthful and pointed out that certain entries on police paperwork castreal doubt on the police account. To their credit, based on this presentation, the Brooklyn DA’s Office took another look at the case and decided to dismiss the charges.
30 Pounds of Marijuana Found in Van But Case Dismissed
A Queens businessman was pulled over by police who claimed he provided them with consent to search his minivan where they found more than 30 pounds of marijuana. Through investigation, Mr. Sosinsky learned that the basis for the stop of the van was not, as the police had documented, a traffic violation but was instead a vague tip that a confidential informant had purportedly provided police regarding the van. Once he discovered the real reason for police action, he was able to convince prosecutors to dismiss the case rather than run the risk of moving forward with further police misconduct to protect their informant.
Bronx Student Cleared of Robbery of Classmate
A Bronx high school student was accused of participating in the forcible robbery of a former classmate in which the latter was badly beaten. After turning down offers of Youthful Offender treatment upon pleas to felony and misdemeanor charges, Mr. Sosinsky eventually was able to obtain a dismissal of all charges against this young man.
Embarrassing Sex Charges against Banker Dismissed
Mr. Sosinsky represented a rising investment banker ensnared in an undercover sting operation of men allegedly soliciting prostitutes. He was able to have all charges against his client dismissed.
All Charges Dismissed Against Entrepreneur
Mr. Sosinsky obtained a dismissal of all charges against a New York City entrepreneur accused of assault and use of a noxious substance. His client had attacked the complainant with a canister of pepper spray following a verbal encounter.
Parolee Pleads to Non-Criminal Offense in Felony Assault Prosecution
Mr. Sosinsky’s client was on parole and charged with felony assault following a dispute outside a city nightclub. After convincing the prosecutor to reduce the case to a misdemeanor, Mr. Sosinsky eventually was able to resolve the matter with a non-criminal disposition and his client was not violated on parole for this incident.
Certified Medical Professional Avoids Federal Prison Sentence in Million Dollar Stolen Medical Device Case
Due to his sentencing advocacy, Mr. Sosinsky recently was able to keep a medical professional with state certification convicted in connection with the fencing of certain medical devices that had been stolen from a large medical center from a federal prison sentence. Even though the loss to the hospital was substantial, Mr. Sosinsky’s client was sentenced to a term of probation and was able to continue to work in his chosen field.
All Charges Dismissed Against Office Manager in Federal Prosecution
The office manager of a medical office was initially arrested and charged in a case involving a scheme to defraud the Medicaid program of millions of dollars through the ordering and providing of unnecessary medical tests and other services. Mr. Sosinsky successfully had the charges dismissed as to his client and ensured that the client would be treated as no more than a witness to potential wrongdoing.
College Student With Felony Weight Narcotics Avoids Criminal Record
Fred Sosinsky was able to work an agreement with an upstate prosecutor which enabled his client, an honors college student, to avoid a criminal record, following the student’s arrest in a vehicle stop in which he was found in possession of felony weight MDMA and marijuana. Mr. Sosinsky was able to reduce those charges to non-criminal offenses and to have the client conditionally discharged for a year.
No Bid-Rigging Charges Against Grand Jury Subject
Mr. Sosinsky represented an individual suspected of participating in a bid-rigging scheme involving large quasi-governmental contracts awarded to the lowest qualified bidder. Through his careful and thoughtful strategy, Mr. Sosinsky was able to navigate a clear path for the client, who was not charged at the conclusion of the investigation, despite having made statements to investigators which supported their theory.
Case Against Prominent Lawyer Dropped
Mr. Sosinsky represented a prominent attorney accused of assaulting and endangering the welfare of his 13 year son. It turned out that the child was being used as a pawn by the client’s ex-wife and that the incident at the heart of the case involved proper disciplining of a difficult and, at times, violent child. Eventually, the charges against the lawyer were dismissed.
Insurance Executive Cleared of All Charges
When an insurance executive found himself accused not once, but twice, of having assaulted a woman he was dating, he turned to Mr. Sosinsky to get himself out of the type of trouble that could have impacted seriously on his livelihood. Mr. Sosinsky had all charges against this professional dismissed after investigating the background of the complainant and developing evidence of her volatility.
Lead Defendant Sentenced to One Year in Prison in Largest Federal Counterfeiting Case
In the largest federal prosecution of counterfeiting importers ever in New York, Mr. Sosinsky’s client, a lead defendant in the case, was sentenced to just a year in federal prison for his role in the case. According to the Government, the knockoff items involved, counterfeit Nike sneakers manufactured and imported on 35 containers from China, had a retail value of more than $300,000,000. Mr. Sosinsky’s sentencing advocacy was recognized by the Court when it granted a very significant sentencing variance.
Former Physician Avoids Prison Term in Internet Pharmacy Prosecution
Mr. Sosinsky was successful in arguing for a non-jail sentence for a former medical professional who had pled guilty in connection with his role in an illegal internet pharmacy scheme. While several others involved in the same matter were sentenced to prison, Mr. Sosinsky’s client avoided incarceration.
Probation Sentence for JFK Narcotics Conspiracy
One of Mr. Sosinsky’s clients was sentenced to a probationary term in Federal District Court for the client’s involvement in a drug smuggling organization operating out of JFK Airport. By presenting an extensive sentencing memorandum demonstrating the mitigating factors present, Mr. Sosinsky was able to convince a tough federal judge that his client was worthy of a non-incarceratory sentence.
Two Million Dollar Extortion Indictment Dismissed Against Tech Co. Owner
Mr. Sosinsky is quite proud to have obtained the dismissal of state extortion charges against the owner of a prominent technology company. Mr. Sosinsky’s client was accused of unlawfully threatening to reveal certain embarrassing information about the complainant, a well-regarded medical professional, unless that individual paid him $2,000,000. The prosecutor possessed text messages between the parties involved and admissions purportedly made by the client. By litigating every aspect of the case, after a multi-year battle royale, Mr. Sosinsky secured the dismissal of these most serious charges.
Internet Gambling Target Avoids Prosecution
Mr. Sosinsky represented a figure in a major internet gambling/money laundering prosecution recently concluded by state prosecutors. Although agents originally threatened him with indictment should he not cooperate with their ongoing investigation, Mr. Sosinsky’s client then steered clear of the matter and was never charged.
Charges Dropped for Rabbinical Student
Mr. Sosinsky had drug possession charges against his client, a rabbinical student, caught up in a police sting, dismissed.
No Criminal Conviction for Contractor Who Refused to Cooperate Following DWI Arrest
In a significant recent matter, Mr. Sosinsky was able to obtain a non-criminal disposition for a contractor client accused of DWI and of obstructing governmental administration by refusing to be videotaped at the precinct following his arrest. By returning to court as often as necessary to continue fighting these charges, Mr. Sosinsky’s client avoided receiving a criminal record.
Case Dismissed in Long Island Police Altercation
All charges were recently dismissed against one of Mr. Sosinsky’s clients, a licensed professional, who was accused in a Long Island courtroom of charges stemming from an altercation with a Police Officer. Mr. Sosinsky was ready to proceed to trial with a number of eyewitnesses who would have shown the officer’s account to have been less than truthful.
All Charges Dismissed for Personal Assistant to Celebrity Shrink
After conducting a thorough investigation, Mr. Sosinsky was able to convince prosecutors to drop all theft and embezzlement charges against a personal assistant to a celebrity psychotherapist. The client had been accused of writing checks to herself and of obtaining thousands of dollars in unauthorized credit card purchases.
Private Investigator Cleared of Serious Misconduct
We represented a high-profile private investigator in a professional licensing proceeding in which the state attempted to revoke the PI’s license and therefore destroy forever his livelihood. Based on unassailable evidence that the majority of the accusations – those that were considered critical to the state’s theory – were untrue, Mr. Sosinsky was able to negotiate a resolution of the matter which involved his client’s admission to technical violations and payment of a small fine.
Figure in Insider Trading Scandal Avoids Jail
Mr. Sosinsky represented one of the defendant’s in the high-profile Galleon insider trading matter in U.S. District Court in Manhattan. Mr. Sosinsky’s client, who had pled guilty to his role in the matter, was sentenced to a term of probation.
Real Estate Development Corporation Cleared of Wrongdoing
Mr. Sosinsky represented a city real estate developer in connection with an investigation by state prosecutors into the client’s alleged undisclosed relationship with brokers who marketed the properties and also acted as representatives of prospective purchasers. The client was never charged with any wrongdoing.
Almost One Kilogram of Heroin Ruled Inadmissible
Mr. Sosinsky successfully litigated the police stop and search of a vehicle on a Brooklyn highway. With witness testimony and strong proof that police were less than truthful about how they came to gain permission to search the car, the court suppressed all evidence recovered through this search including almost a kilo of heroin. All charges were then dismissed.
Professional Fundraiser Cleared of Larceny Accusations
Mr. Sosinsky was successful in having all criminal charges, including larceny by trick allegations, dismissed against an employee of a professional fund raising organization who called on area businesses to make donations to the organization’s clients.
DWI Charges Dismissed for Doctor
Mr. Sosinsky secured the complete dismissal of driving while intoxicated (DWI) charges against a doctor who had provided a breath test to police which had well over the legal limit.
Client Found Not Guilty of Murder
Mr. Sosinsky obtained a verdict of not-guilty of murder in the execution style shooting of a young man involved in gang activities in Harlem, New York City. By demonstrating important differences in the description of the shooter from witnesses called by the prosecution, Mr. Sosinsky was able to raise valid doubts about the correctness of the identifications made at trial.
Expert Representation in Psychiatric Defenses
Mr. Sosinsky has extensive experience in the criminal defense of those suffering from severe mental illness. In these cases, an immediate, extensive background investigation is conducted with the assistance of forensic experts in the relevant fields, to determine, first, the nature and extent of the mental illness involved and second, the role that such disease played in either the commission of the crime or the accused’s ability to understand their interactions with police and other members of law enforcement. Recently, Mr. Sosinsky was involved in the trial of one of the most high profile cases involving New York’s insanity defense.
Federal Gun Trafficking Client Gets Probationary Sentence
Mr. Sosinsky represented a 23 year old man from South Carolina who was indicted for his part in an expansive interstate firearms trafficking operation in New York City. There was evidence that he knew that some of the guns involved would be used by violent drug dealers. Nevertheless, by demonstrating his client’s impressive background and telling the story of how the client came to be involved in the matter, the Court sentenced Mr. Sosinsky’s young client to a probationary term and no jail at all.
Hedge Fund Manager Cleared in Child-Porn Probe
Mr. Sosinsky represented the manager of a prominent Hedge Fund, a married father of two, who came under federal investigation by the FBI and the US Attorney’s Office for allegedly possessing illicit child pornography discovered on his home computer. The man was cleared of all charges after an extended investigation.
Insufficient and Improper Evidence Before Grand Jury Leads to Dismissal of Execution-Style Murder Charges Against Meat Executive
One such case involved a client who was a principal in a prominent meat-packing business located on Manhattan’s Lower Westside. The client was accused of the gangland-style slaying of his partner who was discovered shot to death in the company’s offices after the close of business during the workweek. Based on a web of circumstantial evidence, including proof that the victim and client had recently taken out increased “key-man” life insurance policies on each other’s lives and that the client made a prompt claim for payment following the murder, the client was indicted on murder charges. Together with Jack T. Litman, Mr. Sosinsky successfully challenged the evidence that had been put before the Grand Jury, arguing both its insufficiency, as well as its improper introduction. The court agreed and dismissed the homicide charges. The client was never again charged with this murder.
Witness’ Recantation of Identification Leads to Dismissal of Murder Charges Against Bronx Youth
Mr. Sosinsky represented a young man who was indicted in connection with the stabbing death of the son of a New York City police officer killed in the course of a clash between two large groups of youths in the northeast Bronx. The key witness against our client allegedly told police that he had seen him fatally stab the decedent and then dispose of the murder weapon in a nearby location. Based on the defense investigation, however, the circumstances surrounding the witness’ identification showed that it was borne out of police misconduct, not the witness’ actual observations. The witness recanted his identification at pretrial suppression hearings and the prosecutor was forced to dismiss the charges.
Dismissal of Federal Charges Obtained in $200,000,000 Gambling/Money Laundering Case
Mr. Sosinsky was able to gain the dismissal of an indictment against his client, who was charged in one of the largest ($200,000,000) federal gambling prosecutions ever brought. The case drew front-page coverage at the time of the arrest of all 17 defendants.
Client Avoids Homicide Charges in Connection with Workplace Violations
Mr. Sosinsky also was able to avoid homicide charges from being brought against a client who was the site manager for a City excavation company which came under federal criminal investigation after a series of mishaps at a jobsite lead to the death of a machine operator.
10 Year Sentence For Three Murders
Mr. Sosinsky was able recently to negotiate a 10 year sentence in federal court for a client alleged to be a longstanding member of organized crime who was accused of committing three murders in the 1990’s.
Murder Charges Against Manhattan Woman Dismissed
Mr. Sosinsky represented a Manhattan woman who was arrested and charged with the murder of her common law husband. The woman had stabbed her husband to death in their apartment after he returned home intoxicated following yet another in a long line of extramarital affairs and, she claimed, began to assault and molest her. After a thorough investigation, Mr. Sosinsky grew convinced that his client had a bona-fide claim of self-defense and that this was the rare case in which his client should appear before the Grand Jury at this early stage of the proceedings to attempt to obtain dismissal of the murder charges. He appeared with the client who testified concerning the events. The Grand Jury dismissed the murder charges and the client was released.
Client Indicted for Role in Plot to Kill Undercover Officer Pleas to Minor Charge
Mr. Sosinsky represented a Dominican client charged with conspiring to torture and kill a man in Upper Manhattan who was suspected of stealing the proceeds of an alleged narcotics operation. The plot came to light when a police informant was approached by a second man also charged in the case. After Mr. Sosinsky filed a motion seeking the dismissal of all charges based on the inability of the state to prove his client’s involvement in the scheme, on the eve of trial, the prosecutor agreed to a plea to the lowest level crime in New York, a Class B misdemeanor, which allowed the client to avoid removal proceedings that might be brought by immigration authorities.
Other Sensational Murder Cases
Over the years, Mr. Sosinsky has also represented many other individuals in murder cases that have garnered media attention, including a Rockland County garbage carter accused of murdering his business partner, a Miami man accused of killing five members of a Bronx family in a drug-related murder spree, a Brooklyn youth indicted in the fatal beating of a soccer player in a racially explosive case, and a number of other alleged organized-crime figures accused of complicity in mob murders.
Charges Dismissed in Upper West Side Homicide Attempt
A few years back, Mr. Sosinsky represented a Manhattan man who was arrested after stabbing his wife in the neck numerous times with a knife in their Upper West Side apartment. The client was indicted for attempted murder. However, after having the client examined by a forensic psychiatrist, it became evident that a compelling insanity defense was in order. Eventually, the prosecutors involved were unable to adequately prepare to counter this defense and the case was dismissed.
Charges Dismissed in Brooklyn Racial Attack
Mr. Sosinsky was able to gain the dismissal of attempted murder charges against a Brooklyn High School honor student who was one of several youths arrested in connection with what was claimed to be a bias-attack against several Asian men. Mr. Sosinsky located witnesses who had been ignored by the police investigation and convinced the prosecutor – who had obtained an indictment of the defendant – to drop the charges against the young man.
Charges Dismissed in Brooklyn Shooting
In another case in which attempted murder charges were dismissed, Mr. Sosinsky represented a Brooklyn man accused of shooting another man point black in the face as the victim sat behind the wheel of his car. The person shot allegedly owed Mr. Sosinsky’s client a significant sum of money. Through an aggressive investigation, Mr. Sosinsky learned crucial information about the background of the so-called “victim,” which, in the end, unraveled the prosecutor’s case. The charges were dismissed.
Not Guilty Verdict in Bronx Barroom Stabbing
Mr. Sosinsky won the acquittal of a Connecticut man accused of trying to murder a Yonkers’ construction worker following a dispute in a Bronx tavern. The victim had been stabbed through his abdomen with a butcher knife and after series of surgeries, was forced to wear a colostomy bag. Two other patrons of the bar testified for the prosecution. Notwithstanding these gruesome details, and without even calling his client to the stand, Mr. Sosinsky was able to convincingly argue that his client was justified under the law in stabbing the complainant.
Not Guilty Verdict in Manhattan Nightclub Murder Try
Mr. Sosinsky also obtained an acquittal for a Queens man accused of attempted to kill another man at a crowded Manhattan dance club. His client was accused of, in full view of several witnesses, starting a confrontation with the man at the nightclub over a woman both had dated, smashing him over the head with a Champagne bottle and slicing his neck with the bottle shard.
Client Acquitted of Attempted Rape in Nassau County
A few years ago, Mr. Sosinsky won a trial in which his client, a limousine driver and part owner of a reputable car service company, was accused of attempting to rape and sodomize a young woman who had fallen asleep in his limousine after attending a Merrill Lynch holiday party in downtown Manhattan. The woman made a prompt report of the incident to her boyfriend and contacted the police the following day. However, with the assistance of his private investigator, Mr. Sosinsky uncovered evidence that the woman had had much more to drink than she admitted to, and had other issues with her credibility as well. A Nassau County jury found Mr. Sosinsky’s client not guilty of all charges.
Meat Plant Manager Cleared After Trial of Rape Charges
The general manager of one of the nation’s largest meat distributors was accused of attempting to rape and abuse a female worker at the company’s plant. The employee called the police immediately after the incident and the manager was promptly arrested. Rejecting all plea bargains, Mr. Sosinsky demonstrated the holes and inconsistencies in the complainant’s account, and the financial motivation behind her complaint. The client was acquitted of all charges.
New Trial Obtained for New Jersey Man Convicted in Shaken Baby Syndrome Case
Earlier this year, Mr. Sosinsky was able to win a new trial on behalf of a New Jersey electrician who was convicted last year on charges of child abuse and assault stemming from his having, allegedly, violently shaken his seven-week old daughter.
Child Abuse Investigation Closed Without Charges
Several years ago, the son of a prominent matrimonial attorney here in the City, was accused in a child-custody case in New Jersey of committing numerous acts of sexual abuse against his daughter both in New Jersey and in Manhattan. Fearing that there might well be criminal charges brought against the man here in New York, he retained Mr. Sosinsky to make contact with the authorities. Mr. Sosinsky worked closely with his client’s New Jersey lawyers and developed with them overwhelming proof that the client’s ex-wife had worked to fabricate the charges. As a result, although a criminal investigation of these allegations was indeed opened in New York, it was closed without any charges being brought.
Long Island Mortgage Broker Cleared
Mr. Sosinsky’s Suffolk County client was accused of stealing a large sum of money from two of his business partners. After a thorough review of the financial evidence, and development of information demonstrating a motive for falsification by the DA’s witnesses, Mr. Sosinsky prevailed upon the prosecutor to drop the charges. He did so.
Road Rage Charges Dismissed
Mr. Sosinsky represented a New Jersey man arrested following what the police and prosecutor termed an incident of “road rage”: an on-the-highway confrontation with another driver which resulted in damage to the latter’s vehicle. Mr. Sosinsky was able to gain the dismissal of all charges in this case.
The So-Called “Cybersex” Case of Oliver Jovanovic
In 1998, together with Jack T. Litman, Mr. Sosinsky represented Oliver Jovanovic in what was one of the most highly sensational trials of that decade. The case was hailed as the first prosecution in the City for a sexual assault in which the parties had met over the internet. Although Oliver was convicted of kidnapping and sexually assaulting the complainant, the conviction was overturned based principally upon the trial court’s erroneous exclusion of critical communications between the parties in which they discussed, among other things, what they planned to do with each other. The charges were later dismissed.
Sexual Abuse Charges Against Student Dropped
Mr. Sosinsky represented a high-school student accused of sexually abusing his younger niece at their grandmother’s apartment. After interviewing a number of witnesses, we became convinced that the complainant’s account was patently untrue. We were able to convince the prosecutor that this was the case and charges were dropped.
Defense Uncovers Witness’ History of False Accusations, Molestation Case Dismissed
Mr. Sosinsky was able to convince a Manhattan prosecutor to drop sex abuse charges against a Board of Education worker accused of molesting the daughter of his long-time girlfriend. By subpoenaing records, Mr. Sosinsky was able to show that the complainant and her mother had a documented pattern of fabricating allegations.
Prison Contraband Charges Dismissed By Court Due to Improper Evidence
Mr. Sosinsky represented a Connecticut woman indicted in upstate New York after she and others were accused of a prison narcotics smuggling scheme. Mr. Sosinsky won the dismissal of all charges against his client based on an attack on the manner in which evidence was presented to the Grand Jury.
Charges Dismissed Against Accused Banker
Charges were dismissed against a banker who had called a tenant in their mid-town Manhattan cooperative and threatened to kill her following a long-running dispute with the woman.
Grand Jury Dismisses False Rape Charge Against Client
In yet another of his cases, Mr. Sosinsky provided a Brooklyn prosecutor with detailed information bearing on the credibility of the complaining witness in a rape prosecution of his client. Although, under these circumstances, one cannot know the actual thinking of the Grand Jurors, Mr. Sosinsky’s client was exonerated by the Grand Jury without his even appearing to testify before the body.
Statutory Rape Charges Reduced
A 24 year-old accountant from New Jersey was under investigation for allegedly carrying on a sexual relationship with a 14 year-old Long Island high school student who he had met in an online chat room. The evidence showed that on five or six separate occasions, the man had traveled from New Jersey to Long Island and taken the girl to a local motel, where they engaged in sexual activities. After thoroughly investigating the background of the complainant, Mr. Sosinsky convinced the prosecutor that proceeding with the case on a felony level was unjust. He was able to arrange to have the client surrender to authorities and gain release by posting agreed-to nominal bail, and to resolve the case with a plea to a single misdemeanor charge and probation.
Westchester Businessman Busted in Internet Sex Sting To Receive Misdemeanor
In another recent matter, Mr. Sosinsky was able to negotiate a misdemeanor conviction with counseling for a client accused in an internet sting operation of planning to and showing up to meet a person he believed to be a 12 year-old girl for the purpose of having sex with her. These type of internet stings are have gained widespread attention recently due to a series of specials that have appeared on NBC-TV’s Dateline series. The misdemeanor conviction means that his client will not have to register as a sex offender under New York’s Sex Offender Registration Act and will avoid an extended period of probationary supervision.
Probation For South Jersey Man Found In Possession of Two Guns in Queens
Mr. Sosinsky negotiated a probationary sentence for a South Jersey man indicted on charges that he had two illegal handguns in the trunk of his car after a car stop in Queens.
Probation Sentence For Unlicensed Operation of Health Insurance Plan
Mr. Sosinsky represented a Manhattan woman who was indicted in connection with her unlawful operation of an unlicensed health insurance provider for many years in the New York metropolitan area. She was convicted of collecting premiums from unsuspecting customers for medical/hospital/pharmacy coverage that was seldom, if ever, provided and failing to pay for the customers’ bills. Mr. Sosinsky was able to obtain a sentence of probation for the client.
Misdemeanor Plea Obtained in Phony Prescription Case
Mr. Sosinsky represented a former longtime employee of a prominent physician here in Manhattan who was accused of forging the doctor’s signature on a large number of prescription forms, obtaining quantities of pain-killing medications and selling these pills to others. Although the evidence against her was overwhelming, Mr. Sosinsky convinced the prosecutor to drop all felony narcotics and forgery charges and allow his client to plead to a single misdemeanor charge.
Misdemeanor For Contractor Who Falsified Architectural Stamps
Mr. Sosinsky was able to obtain a misdemeanor plea for a City contractor convicted of systematically submitting plans to the NYC Department of Buildings which had been fraudulently certified as having been reviewed and approved by a licensed architect.
Misdemeanor Plea for Parolee In Shooting Case
Mr. Sosinsky’s client was indicted for criminal possession of a firearm found in his home after a shooting was reported. The client was on parole at the time of the arrest. Due to the questionable circumstances surrounding the search of his residence, Mr. Sosinsky was able to resolve this case with a plea to a misdemeanor weapons’ charge and the client served minimal additional time for the parole violation.
Executive in Federal Multimillion Dollar Life Insurance Fraud Case Serves Only 11 Months in Jail
Mr. Sosinsky represented an executive of a company which arranged for the sale of life insurance policies to investor groups across the country. He and others were arrested and charged by the feds with mail and wire fraud stemming from a scheme to procure and then sell off more than $13,000,000 worth of fraudulently obtained policies. Mr. Sosinsky’s client served only 11 months in prison.
Verdict of $8.3 Million Dollars Won
In 1998, Mr. Sosinsky was retained as trial counsel to work with noted attorney Scott Tulman in the trial of a case involving competing claims to a winning $8.3 million dollar New York State Lottery ticket. The dispute centered on a contention that the uncle of our client had secretly stolen the winning ticket from his niece, and had, unbeknownst to her, claimed the huge jackpot. By demonstrating that the numbers selected were personal to our client, that they were part of a pattern of betting and that the uncle was a deceitful and untrustworthy person, we were successful in winning a jury verdict and in having the multi-million dollar jackpot paid to our client.
Cases Where Government Threatens Arrest
Quite often, Mr. Sosinsky is retained to represent individuals who have been contacted by state or federal investigators and told that they will likely be arrested if they do not agree to meet and cooperate with law enforcement. Many times, these individuals have retained prior counsel who have told them they probably will be charged if they do not accede to these requests. More often than not, after learning all that can be learned in these situations, Mr. Sosinsky has been able to avoid arrest and prosecution for these clients. These cases have included federal tax, narcotics, money laundering, mail fraud, trademark and counterfeiting investigations, and state investigations of misconduct by attorneys and other legal professionals.
New Trial Ordered for Pakistani Man Convicted of Torture/Burglary
Mr. Sosinsky convinced a Brooklyn judge to grant his client a new trial after uncovering evidence that the client’s previous attorney had been affected by a conflict of interest which impacted upon his representation of the client at the trial. Mr. Sosinsky’s client, who had been in jail following his conviction along with three other Pakistani-Americans of torture/burglary, was released from custody and is preparing for a new and fair trial.
Time Served For Narcotics Courier Carrying Over 60 Kilos of Cocaine From California to New York
Through skillful negotiation and effective sentencing advocacy, Mr. Sosinsky was successful in persuading a federal judge to impose a sentence of time served upon his client’s conviction for transporting more than 60 kilograms of cocaine across the United States.
Dismissal of Federal Charges Against Jersey Businessman Accused of Providing Aid to Terrorist Organization
Mr. Sosinsky secured the dismissal of federal charges which alleged the unlawful transnational shipment of communications devices to an individual believed to be an operative of a Middle East terrorist group.

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